I go to a language class two days a week at a place called Kia. Kia was started by a local church to help the refugees get plugged in and learn Norwegian. At Kia they offer many multicultural social events like dinner gatherings, choir classes, (I have just joined this) prayer meetings, and above all, the love of Jesus is shared with them. I really enjoy going to class, not just for the Norwegian, but getting to know people outside of the church. This is a huge ministry opportunity.
I help with overseeing many projects at church. Some include ripping out old carpet in the kids class room and putting in new carpet, building stage seating for the kids’ class rooms, painting the new fire sprinkler system water pipes throughout the whole building, and organizing many storage rooms.
Managing worldbase house is something I really enjoy doing. I get to do all the upkeep inside and out and taking care of any guests or teams that come to stay with us.
I help members of the church with small projects like a few weeks ago the family below us had their apartment flooded so we installed a new floor and by the grace of God nothing else was damaged. I also help with the set up for Sunday service – getting the coffee room ready, ushering, setting up chares etc. and help with the cleaning of the office every week.
I am currently helping with the new web page for worldbase and you can check this out at
Movie night once a month at WorldBase is something that Gretchen and I have started as a way to bring people together for fellowship and our vision is to get people from outside of the church into an environment where they can see the love of Jesus.
I’m getting more involved with a ministry down town called Café Jabes. This is a very big coffee shop that was started by the Salvation Army with the purpose of bringing foreigners and Norwegians together where they could experience the love of Jesus. At Café Jabes you can enjoy coffee, food, many games, live music, and fun fellowship. One of my favorite things is it is open from 8PM to 2AM. This is my kind of ministry, as most of you know, I’m a big fan for staying up really late; but really this is very good because it gives people the alternative of going to taverns and night clubs and a safe place to hang out. Right now Café Jabes is only open Friday nights and Saturday nights but Mike (the new manager who is from the states) has a vision for it to be open every day. This will take some time as Café Jabes is still in the process of growing.