November 05, 2009


This years title, CHANGE! Shifting from a challenging but thriving ministry in Norway to going back home. Simple? Yes! The decision anyway, as I know its God’s will. Emotionally! No. Although God has graciously prepared my heart to leave my church in Norway, saying good-bye to those who have become my Norwegian family will be challenging for my heart. I know this is not the end of my ministry; it’s a shift…a big shift. It’s taking what God has done in me, and through me to move ahead wherever He leads.
I am called back to Washington... For how long you ask? I don’t know but I'm coming in just 11 days.
Am I ready? Yes and no. I’m ready for the next season but saying good bye to my wonderful friends here, no.
What will I do? well for now I'm going to work on reconnecting with family and friends after that get involved with what I love doing the most... Missions.