My duties at Jabes have increased this summer as we have been short on staff, but God has also increased those I’m getting opportunity to disciple and build relationships with. Because I am at Jabes every weekend, it has opened a window of trust with so many people to the point I don’t need to go up to others anymore; God is just bringing them to me so they can be disciple or prayed for.
One girl came to me at the end of the night asking if I could pray with her I knew her as an acquaintance but didn’t even know she was aware I am a Christian. Before I could get a word out she began confessing her sin to me. Realizing the seriousness of the situation I began praying for wisdom and discernment as to what God would have me say. After a long conversation I prayed for this girl that had been struggling for years to get out of the bondage of alcohol. At home that night I asked God to help this desperate girl out by making her sick the next time she drinks. The following week I saw her in the city several times each time remembering to pray that prayer. The next week as I was going home from Jabes at 2am I saw her heading down to the pubs so I was sure to make eye contact with her hoping she would recall the conversation we had. The following week she came to me at Jabes asking to talk with me again. I assumed it was to confess a repeated sin, instead she was full of excitement as she told me she did go to the pub that night I saw her but after her third beer she got really sick and so it wasn’t fun anymore. And the next night by the third sip she was sick again. She didn’t understand why but was very glad. I told her the prayer I had prayed for her and then shard with her the deep love God has for her and how He wants to use her to lead others away from the same bondage she had for so long. The following week she went out again not really wanting to because she didn’t want to be temped to drink and get sick but that’s what all her friends do so she went but this time she wasn’t even temped to drink. To see the excitement on her face as she told me this was priceless. If you can imagine years of this bondage bringing her down to the state of depression and to see her now you would never know. God’s grace is amazing.