Gretchen and I just came back from the Northwest Foursquare Europe youth camp in Southampton, England. Sixty-six people from Ireland, Great Britain, Estonia, and Norway came together for the camp with the theme, “No Plan B” based on the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus commands His disciples to go into all the world and baptize them in the the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and to teach them everything He has commanded.
Aside from worship and teaching times, the campers enjoyed a variety of activities from rock climbing to canoeing to learning how to build rafts that could actually float on the water! The results of the camp were amazing -- six were saved / re-dedicated their lives to the Lord, fourteen were baptized in the Holy spirit, and eleven responded to the call to missions. I thoroughly enjoyed being a discipleship group leader for the campers, and Gretchen had the opportunity to be a discipleship group leader in addition to speaking at one of the main sessions and playing piano one evening with the worship team.
Thank you for all your prayers!
More photos go to- (tylene's pictures) under links it's in the right hand column