The youth camp was challenging in so many ways for me personally as I don’t work with youth that often but to see what God did in their lives was worth every minute. Every day we started off with quiet time followed by breakfast, what we ate I’m still not sure, then team devotion just before going to the team activities. Lunchtime was nice for regrouping with everyone else and catching my breath in the warm sun. The evenings were the highlight for most with worship in the big tent followed by a special speaker each night. The night meetings had a big impact on the kids as God was challenging them and moving in their hearts. Many came up for prayer and 8 were saved. Two of the 8 were just walking by and wanted to check out the music and ended up being moved by the spirit and committed there lives to Jesus Christ… how cool is that!
The night Gretchen spoke, God moved through her in such a way that got to the hearts of those kids, and we got to pray and prophesy over them. All 5 girls from Estonia received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the same time.
Please be praying…..
-What God did in the youth would stay strong.
-Passion to serve in the church would grow in the body.
-To have more Norwegians volunteering at Café Jabes…. We really need people to help as Mike and I have been there most the time. We want to see the Norwegians take on the vision of what God is and will do there.