torsdag 4. oktober 2007
We are pleased to welcome into our house new roommates Sarah and Christine. Sarah is from Norway and has been a part of the church plant team Kristiansand Foursquare has sent to Denmark. She is back for one month and living at the WorldBase to take care of practical matters. Christine is also from Norway and has been accepted into Kristiansand’s beauty school. She will be studying for one year. We wish them both success while they are here!
Though not a part of the WorldBase program, they are a welcome addition to our house, and interns Tylene and Gretchen are happy to have some more people around.
If you are interested in being a part of our ministry at WorldBase read up on the website and find out all about what we do and who we are. If you like what you see, send us an e-mail at worldbase@foursquare.no, and let’s start chatting and see if we can’t get you over to Norway for a bit of missions adventure! Norway is a harvest field waiting for some ready workers!
written by Gretchen Pikop