November 05, 2009


This years title, CHANGE! Shifting from a challenging but thriving ministry in Norway to going back home. Simple? Yes! The decision anyway, as I know its God’s will. Emotionally! No. Although God has graciously prepared my heart to leave my church in Norway, saying good-bye to those who have become my Norwegian family will be challenging for my heart. I know this is not the end of my ministry; it’s a shift…a big shift. It’s taking what God has done in me, and through me to move ahead wherever He leads.
I am called back to Washington... For how long you ask? I don’t know but I'm coming in just 11 days.
Am I ready? Yes and no. I’m ready for the next season but saying good bye to my wonderful friends here, no.
What will I do? well for now I'm going to work on reconnecting with family and friends after that get involved with what I love doing the most... Missions.

March 12, 2009

Superbowl Drake Down

I was watching the Superbowl with some friend (getting in touch with my American side:-) With it being a live feed the game got over around 4am. While driving my friends home the van started showing signs of electrical failure (this has happened before) I dropped off the last person in an area far from my house and in a place I'm not to familiar with. The radio went out then the headlights, next the dash lights all came on, sputtering started, all dash lights went haywire, everything went black! I could still drive and all I could say is "Oh Lord please just a little further so I can get to the main road" van went dead as I rolled down the hill… to the main road. Pulled into the bus stop and thought “way to early to call someone” so I called the taxi, not really wanting to pay for the extreme cost but what was I to do. Trying to explain to the lady where I was on the street, with no address, became more challenging then I thought. Not getting any where with her, "Oh Lord what do I do now?" at that thought a car slowed to a stop a few meters away "could they be stopping to help me?" "Thank you Lord!" Unexpectedly I hear my name. I turn to find my friend puzzled as to why I'm out this way at such an hour. I screamed his name as I was so exited to see some one I know. This all was just a matter of minutes so I never had time to really panic or feel stranded. I explained the situation and he gave me a ride home. This man is a pastor and it came out that he had a house call at 1am helping someone else till 4am had he not been driving home I don't know what I would have done he to was grateful he was driving by. I just have to say I love Kristiansand and how small it is here but I know God was at work in this one... God is so funny at how He works things out some times. Oh yeah the van… it’s still dead.